Recently my daughter and I were at a group fitness class together. The instructor was great at teaching technique, but had NO sense of rhythm. Because I was born with a groove, I couldn’t help but tune him out, look straight ahead and at times close my eyes. I had to move to the rhythm of the music. When I opened my eyes, I wasn’t in-sync with the instructor but I was in-sync with the music. THE BEAT. I didn’t CHOSE to move to the rhythm, I just HAD TO.
Because I grew up in the home of an author, my mom was always drawing analogies from life and applying them to how we can best love God and love people. I loved that about her. Everything and everyone has something we can learn from.
So, naturally as I walked away from my fitness class that day I couldn’t help but ponder that experience in a deeper way. I sat in the car and felt a stirring deep in my soul, “It’s time to BRING THE BEAT BACK.”
2018 was a year that was quite exhausting in many ways and on many fronts. What is the natural response to exhaustion? REST. But I came across this quote by David Steindl-Rast which challenged that notion.
“The Antidote to exhaustion may not be rest. It may be wholeheartedness. You are exhausted because many of the things you are doing are just busyness. There may be an element of wholeheartedness missing from the equation.”
Was there a rhythm in my soul that had been covered up unknowingly by the busyness of life? The ‘good things’? The times where I told myself, “Well, you should…” Yes, I SHOULD follow the lead of the fitness instructor. But sometime we get to a point in our life where we Just. Can’t. Sometimes we are at a place where the BEAT in our SOUL sounds a rhythm that is LOUDER than the SHOULD in our world.
I think I’m there. Nope, I KNOW I’m there.
And so I close my eyes, spread my arms wide and start to dance. I’m sorry if it’s uncomfortable to watch. I’m sorry if it’s a bit awkward and not very pretty.
Well, actually I’m not sorry. Deep down inside I’m hoping you too will take a deep breath, and close your eyes and begin to move to the rhythm in your soul.
That day in my fitness class with my daughter, a few times I glanced around the room and noticed a few of us were together, with the music. We exchanged a smile and a unspoken encouragement to Keep. Going.
One thing I’ve learned in this new season of arms-wide open, feet stomping, hoot-hollering living is...I feel alone at times. But, sister, I’ve come to realize there are many others out there just like me. I am not alone. You are not alone. We are not alone.
So I end with this question...Where did your beat get dropped or lost? When did the stuff of life cover it up? Muffle it out? I challenge you to get alone with God and ask Him to help you BRING THE BEAT BACK.
It’s YOUR beat. Own it. Move to it. Let it change you. Girl, Let it change US!
We need you to show up.
I’m turning up the volume in my life. Will you join me?